Corona Virus: Singapore bank sends 300 employees home since one of them was diagnosed with Corona.

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A Singapore bank immediately sends 300 employees home after one employee was hit by Corona Virus. On Wednesday, all 300 employees working on the 43rd floor of the bank's branch were asked to leave home.

Totally 47 people have been confirmed to have corona in Singapore. Singapore is one of the countries with the largest number of confirmed coronavirus cases after China. The corona outbreak which happened at the Wuhan province in China has killed more than 1350 people.

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The bank said that the 300 people working in the bank were sent home and were asked to work from home. They said that this is done as a precaution and they will provide proper support and guidance for any employee at this critical time.

All employees who have sent home are provided with a kit that includes thermometers, face shields, and disinfectants. A medical aid service has been arranged for them.

Singapore has raised the alarm signal for Corona. This means that the severity of the disease is easily transmitted from one person to another. Public areas like toilets, Financial Center buildings are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

All the people who were in contact with the corona infected patients are under serious observation.

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