113 Australian animal species are critical, need "Urgent Help"

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After the devastating Australian wildfire, 113 animal species have lost their numbers and habitats and will need "Urgent Help".

The government said that they are happy because there are no extinctions till now in their findings. But most of the species had lost 30 % of their habitat because of the enormous wildfire in the south and east wales. 

Image result for australia fire animals

Researches said that koalas, kangaroos, a wide variety of birds, fishes, frogs are among the species which need the most help. They also said that more than 100 crore animals may have lost their lives in the fire.

Researches have released a list of affected species that need the most urgent protection. There were some highly endangered species who are at immediate risk of extinction. They said that these species have lost almost all their habitats. Species like Pugh's frog, Blue Mountains water skink, and the Kangaroo Island dunnart are in immediate danger. 

The list also had species that had their actual sections destroyed. Many species that were considered to be safe before the fires have lost most of their habitat. The Environment Minister Sussan Ley said that Plant species and further invertebrates that are at risk are expected to be named in the next meeting. image

Australia has guaranteed 50 million dollars to wildlife and plant habitat recovery. 




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